Over 20 percent of children classify as neurodiverse, but each child’s presentation is unique, as is each parent’s situation.

When To Reach Out

  • You have a hunch your parenting experiences are more intense than others.

  • Typical parenting books and advice don’t seem to apply.

  • Your child just received a formal diagnosis for one of the following conditions, and you feel overwhelmed: ADHD, Giftedness, Anxiety, Sensory Differences, Processing/Learning Differences, Asperger’s/Autism Spectrum Disorder, or a Twice Exceptional/2E Profile.

  • You’ve read the specialist reports and evaluations, which might as well have been written in a foreign language.

  • Your current strategies or approach with your child needs some fine-tuning or a fresh perspective.

  • Behavioral struggles within the educational environment persist.

  • You need support in coordinating an early intervention plan and identifying appropriate specialists.

You might also need support to:

  • Better understand your child’s neurological differences, build on strengths, and nurture genuine connection points and optimism

  • Become a confident and effective advocate, so you can role model and encourage self-advocacy in your child(ren)

  • Take on future challenges for your child(ren)

How I Help

Prism Advocacy offers tailored support to parents navigating neurodiversity in their child(ren). I support you in:

  • Developing a better understanding of your child’s differences and how to support them

  • Designing an intervention strategy recognizing your child’s strengths

  • Identifying appropriate specialists

  • Helping you advocate with educators, caregivers, and specialists/therapists

With a bit of forward momentum, positive effects flow to you, your child, and your family life.

I offer the following services:

  • Private consultations (virtual)

  • In-person attendance at IEP and 504 meetings (primarily in the Seattle area)

  • Specialist collaboration (virtual and in-person)

  • Report and evaluation review with practical translation (virtual)

When more ongoing support is required, a packaged suite of sessions is available and may include a combination of the following:

  • Private consultations (virtual)

  • In-person observations (primarily Seattle area)

  • Specialist collaboration (virtual and in-person)

  • Report and evaluation review with practical translation (virtual)

  • Intervention strategy design and specialist identification/referral (virtual)

  • Regular phone calls and email support