Neurodiversity recognizes differences in neurocognition — how a mind receives, organizes, processes, and outputs information. Certain behavioral patterns correspond to these differences and are associated with specific diagnoses. While diagnostic terminology may use deficit language, many wonderful traits accompany individuals with neurodiversity. When their learning styles fall outside of typical instructional approaches and expectations, they may struggle, and parents find themselves down a rabbit hole.

Prism Advocacy was born out of a desire to provide families with the support Kathryn wished was available to her at the beginning of her unique parenting journey and to use that hard-earned experience to benefit others.

Kathryn Khamsi
Board Certified Advocate in Special Education
Health and Wellness Coach

Kathryn has a decade of experience in special needs advocacy (building upon years of public policy work) and personal experience as a parent of two boys with neurodiversity. She can fully appreciate the intensity and the rollercoaster of parenting highs and lows.

Kathryn brings patience, compassion, and practical clarity to complex issues. She helps parents feel heard, translates complex and specialized terminology into simple terms, and designs a tailored approach to help parents who often find themselves overwhelmed. She also knows how to work effectively with specialists, therapists, and educators. Above all, she is a connector and collaborator, setting an environment of ease and trust. Prism Advocacy is a more formal approach to what she has been doing informally for years.

When she is not solving problems and setting up supportive scaffolding, she pursues a range of creative endeavors and community work.

In addition to her university degree in International Relations and Conflict Resolution, Kathryn holds a Board Certification for Advocacy in Special Education through the National Association of Special Education Teachers. She is Health and Wellness Coach Trained through the Mayo Clinic.